
Time to Take Your Trading to the Next Level?



. . . been trading for 3 year now and I would say I am pretty advance in technical analysis . . . prior to joining Simon's group. I would always win and then lose it all again . . . I joined Simon's group the first week of October, by the end of October i made 12.7k. We are still in mid November but so far in November i have made over 10k.

What You’ll Get During This

1 Month Free Trial

  • Access To The Live Trade Room
  • Access To Live Training & Education
  • 24/7 Trade Calls &Trade Management (Entries, Stops, Exits)

Sign Up For The Free Trial

Make sure you sign up for the free 1 month trial below. You will also receive an e-book that further explains how our trade room works and what types of trade calls to expect.

Join Our Telegram Group

After signing up for the free month trial you'll wanna join our Telegram group. It's free to join. Once in our group, you'll receive constant trade calls and trade management. All time-stamped and clear to read and execute.

Enjoy All The Trades & Education

Now just sit back and enjoy our live trade room and our Telegram trade call group. We trade Futures, mimi-Futures, CFD's, Forex and other instruments with amazing accuracy and precision.

About [Simon]

Simon has been teaching and educating students since 2000 in the art of day trading. He is one of the leading, if not the leading, Volume Profile traders around. Keep in mind that over 90% of traders who use Volume Profile, are using it all wrong and in a very limited role.

Once you learn the POWER of Volume Profile from Simon, you'll realize that it's the most important indicator you will ever need. It literally predicts where the market will go . . . Any market!

Why We Recommend Getting a Free Month Trial

Here you’ll show more social proof. At the end of each call (or shortly after) ask what they thought about the call and if you can quote them.Try to answer common objections such as wasting time, getting forced to buy, …


Long Time Student

. . . His methodology and training techniques will not disappoint. . . he has perfected his entries and exists to the tick. Long time student

robert saukas

Current Member

Simon's trading calls are extremely accurate and very easy to execute. Just following the trade calls in the room you will be successful.

marc abramsky

Fund Mgr & Member

Been a fund manager myself for the past 8 Years. . . If you learn to trade and to analyze the markets the way Simon teaches, you will find yourself among the elite . . . Do NOT believe all the crap  . . . Simon is the real deal.

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Improve Your Trading!